Stuck with Jenkins? Hear how these DevOps experts make the most of it

April 6, 2023

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Are you ready to take your Jenkins game to the next level? Join us for an exciting event featuring four DevOps experts who will share their best practices and real-life experiences making the most of Jenkins. These practitioners will walk you through how they currently use Jenkins, as well as sharing specific challenges they faced and how they overcame them.

Whether you're a Jenkins pro or just getting started, this event is not to be missed! Get ready to be inspired and to learn from the best in the field.

Oleg Nenashev

Oleg is a passionate open source and open hardware advocate who believes in open communities. He is a core maintainer and board member in the Jenkins project where he writes code, mentors contributors and organizes community events. Oleg is a technical oversight committee member in the Continuous Delivery Foundation, and also a CNCF ambassador.

Currently he works on building user and developer communities around WireMock and WireMock Cloud.

Oleg has a PhD degree in electronics design and volunteers in the Free and Open Source Silicon Foundation.

Imran Ali

Ali works at Container Solutions as a Cloud Engineer, enabling teams to shift to a cloud native mindset along with DevOps best practices. We work on a variety of cloud + Docker + Kubernetes solutions.

Previously, he worked as a Senior DevOps Consultant at a bank and was one of the tech leads for an internal product called the Enterprise Pipeline Library - a set of pipeline templates in Jenkins that standardized CI/CD practices across the organization while complying with Audit + Governance.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, playing tennis, golfing, and reading (sci-fi/fantasy/philosophy)!

Krishna Nadiminti

Krishna is a a technical leader with over 14 years of experience in the tech industry and Sr. Director of Operations Engineering at Emburse. Emburse is the global leader in spend optimization trusted by over 12 million professionals. Recently, Krishna passed the Harvard Business School program with honors.

Krishna has a proven track record of driving innovation and delivering results in the field of Platform Engineering, including DevOps, SRE, and Storage. She is widely recognized as a thought leader in the tech industry, and has managed reliability at scale at companies like Twitter. At this event, Krishna will share her experience utilizing Jenkins for various software development workflows (declarative pipelines, and pipeline templates for Kubernetes infrastructure, automating lambda deployments, running inline scripts, automating database tasks, and setting up monitoring tool alerts).

Shaked Askayo

Shaked is a true DevOps veteran who is the cofounder and CTO of, a workflow tool that lives in Slack and is based on natural language (no more slash commands).

Previously he worked at HP and Intel before leading the SRE team at BlueVine. Throughout his career he used Jenkins in a multitude of ways which is why it's integrated deeply into Kubiya.

If you want to learn more about Kubiya and how it helps you use Jenkins from Slack, click here.

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