>AI for DevOps

Converse with your engineering platforms, powered by LLM.
A virtual teammate to handle DevOps requests so you can handle the rest.

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Jess (DevOps)

@kubiya list all the ecr repos that are empty or have not been used in the last 60 days


Kubi (DevOps)

AWS Logo

Sure, I can help with that. I will use the AWS CLI to list all the ECR repositories and
then check each one to see if it's empty or hasn't been used in more than 60 days.
Let's do this.

# Get all ECR repositories
repos=$(aws ecr describe-repositories --query 'repositories[].repositoryName' --output text)
for repo in $repos
    # Get the images in the repository
    images=$(aws ecr list-images --repository-name $repo --query 'imageIds[].imageTag' --output text)
    if [ -z "$images" ]
        # The repository is empty
        echo "$repo is empty"

Kubi (DevOps)

✅The following repos were found to match your request:
ECR Repository:
Repository URI: 079046303224.dkr.ecr.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/kubi-repo
Created At: 2023-11-06T22:25:25+00:00

R&D leader

Jeff (R&D)

@kubiya Create a new S3 bucket using Terraform


Kubi (DevOps)

On it..Found the following Terraform module:
Inspecting variables..
Please provide me the Bucket name, ACL (Access Control List) and Region

R&D leader

Jeff (R&D)

Name is JeffS3 on US-West-1. ACL is Default.


Kubi (DevOps)

✅The S3 bucket has been successfully created with the following details:
Bucket ARN: arn:aws:s3:::terraform-20231211205422279000000001
Bucket domain name: terraform-20231211205422279000000001.s3.amazonaws.com
Hosted zone ID: Z1BKCTXD74EZPE
Bucket ID: terraform-20231211205422279000000001


Kubi (DevOps)

@Alerts I got an alert from Prometheus:

Deployment 'alert-manager' on namespace 'Openfaas' is experiencing high traffic


Kubi (DevOps)

@Alerts Should I increase the number of replicas on 'alert-manager'?

R&D leader

Jeff (R&D)



Kubi (DevOps)

Kubernetes logo

✅The following deployment has been updated:
Deployment: alert-manager
Namespace: Openfaas
Replicas: 3

The Future of DevOps starts here

Complex Actions. Simple Conversations

Engineering figure1

Sam (R&D)

@kubiya Which tickets are in backlog?



The 2 tickets in backlog are:
FE-112 - Refactor page loader
OPS-89 - Setup a pipeline notification system

Engineering figure1

Sam (R&D)

@kubiya Move Jira ticket FE-112 to in-progress



✅Done. FE-112 was updated to in-progress

Engineering figure1

Joe (R&D)

@kubiya How do I set up a VPN?



To setup a VPN you will need to make a request through the helpdesk portal.

Once approved you will get a username, a temporary password and a license to use in your VPN client. Here’s a short video and the link to the helpdesk site.

Engineering figure1

Sam (R&D)

@kubiya Which tickets are in backlog?



The 2 tickets in backlog are:
FE-112 - Refactor page loader
OPS-89 - Setup a pipeline notification system

Engineering figure1

Sam (R&D)

@kubiya Move Jira ticket FE-112 to in-progress



✅Done. FE-112 was updated to in-progress

Engineering figure1

Joe (R&D)

@kubiya Summarize the conversation for me



To setup a VPN you will need to make a request through the helpdesk portal.

Once approved you will get a username, a temporary password and a license to use in your VPN client. Here’s a short video and the link to the helpdesk site.

Youtube logo

Want to know more about security, RBAC, analytics and other capabilities?

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Engineering Teams Kubiya

"Kubiya is a game changer for us, reducing ticket-heavy processes into one-click workflows."

Photo of Daniel Jensen, Director of Security Engineering at EarnIn

Daniel Jensen

Director of Security Engineering

EarnIn logo

"Kubiya gives my Dev team autonomy to run workflows without context-switching or help from a DevOps engineer."

Photo of Debo Ray, CEO of DevZero

Debo Ray


DevZero logo

Kubiya lets us execute complex, repetitive tasks in a blink of an eye.”

Photo of Phil Gardner, Senior Staff Engineer of ZenBusiness

Phil Gardner

Senior Staff Engineer

ZenBusiness logo

Kubiya lets us execute complex, repetitive tasks in a blink of an eye.”

Robin Smith, CISO of Aston Martin

Robin Smith


Aston Martin logo

"Kubiya is a game changer for us, reducing ticket-heavy processes into one-click workflows."

Photo of Daniel Jensen, Director of Security Engineering at EarnIn

Daniel Jensen

Director of Security Engineering

EarnIn logo

"Kubiya gives my Dev team autonomy to run workflows without context-switching or help from a DevOps engineer."

Photo of Debo Ray, CEO of DevZero

Debo Ray


DevZero logo

Kubiya lets us execute complex, repetitive tasks in a blink of an eye.”

Photo of Phil Gardner, Senior Staff Engineer of ZenBusiness

Phil Gardner

Senior Staff Engineer

ZenBusiness logo

Kubiya lets us execute complex, repetitive tasks in a blink of an eye.”

Robin Smith, CISO of Aston Martin

Robin Smith


Aston Martin logo
Infinity logo

Double DevOps Capacity Zero “To-do” List

Old way

An image showcasing the old way of managing DevOps tasks through a Jira board

Companies using Kubiya

Generic Slack user profile icon

Geof (R&D)

Update image on namespace Observability to 3.2

Kubiya Slack profile icon


On it..
Which deployment should i pull the logs for

R&D leader

Geof (R&D)


Kubiya Slack profile icon


✅Image grafana/grafana:3.1
Updated to grafana/grafana:3.2
in namespace Observability

Case Study

How a fintech unicorn reduced DevOps toil by 70%

Case study graph

Thousands of Actions for your Engineering Platforms

Pre-build easy to customize workflows, Extends to any API/Python SDK based tool.

Collage of different icons from the integrations that Kubiya supports like AWS, argo, kubernetes, pagerduty, Github, Google Cloud, Auth0, Terraform, etc.
Thousands of Actions for your Engineering Platforms. Pre-build easy to customize workflows, Extends to any API/Python SDK based tool.


The human factor in AI: How startups are personalizing the enterprise AI experience

“We’re looking to solve a very specific exchange between the developers and the platform engineers or DevOps,” Amit Govrin, CEO of Kubiya, said. “The concept is when it comes to self-service, automation knowledge and so forth, that’s not always intuitive. That’s not always as straightforward as it may appear."

October 25, 2023

Kubiya on the NSYE Floor Talk

Amit Govrin, CEO of Kubiya, tells NYSE Floor Talk about the company, the pain-point Kubiya solves for: Self-Service developer platforms they have created are only as effective as their end user experience. He then discusses the present and future of LLM and AI.

October 25, 2023

Why DevOps Productivity Tools Kill Your Productivity

Forbes article of Kubiya.ai discusses the challenges associated with devtools, and why adding more productivity tools does not not necessarily contribute to productivity.

June 23, 2023

Generative AI startup Kubiya debuts ChatGPT for DevOps

SiliconAngle covers release of the “ChatGPT for DevOps,” announces the official launch of what it says is the first artificial intelligence assistant for engineering platforms and knowledge management.

June 23, 2023

Kubiya gives developers a hand with conversational AI platform

Venturebeat covers how conversational AI enables faster devops workflows

June 23, 2023

ChatGPT for DevOps: Kubiya introduces Generative-AI engine for DevOps and Platform Engineering

Businesswire covers the first AI-assistant for engineering platforms and knowledge management, offering a ChatGPT-like experience for users.

June 23, 2023

Language as the new User Interface - Humans and machines have found a common language to interact

Calcalist Tech covers Kubiya.ai CEO Amit Eyal Govrin discusses his “ChatGPT for DevOps” and the future of operations

June 23, 2023

Kubiya on panel discussion on Uptime.build around the impacts of GenerativeAI on DevOps careers

Uptime.build covers CEO Amit Eyal Govrin participating in a panel discussion on Uptime.build around the impacts of GenerativeAI on DevOps careers

June 23, 2023

Coming out of Stealth- CEO Amit Eyal Govrin introducing the concepts of a DevOps virtual assistant, and conversationalAI

theCube covers Amit Eyal Govrin, Co-Founder and CEO of Kubiya.ai, talks with host John Furrier in this Cube Conversation introducing the concepts of a DevOps virtual assistant, and conversationalAI

June 23, 2023

Idea behind the worlds first DevOps Virtual Asssistant

Techstrong TV covers Amit Govrin, CEO of Kubiya, and Shaked Askayo, CTO of Kubiya, join Alan Shimel at KubeCon to discuss how they’ve created the world’s first virtual assistant for DevOps, and how it will facilitate a brand new experience for end users in the world of self-service DevOps.

June 23, 2023

Kubiya CEO Amit Eyal Govrin announcing GenerativeAI workflows at KubeCon EMEA

theCube covers Amit Eyal Govrin, CEO, Kubiya.ai, sits down with Savannah Peterson, and Joep Piscaer for KubeCon CloudNativeCon EU 2023 in Amsterdam the Netherlands

June 23, 2023

Generative AI for DevOps - Shani Shoham at TestGuild

Joe Colantonio of DevOps Toolchain speaks with Shani Shoham, Kubiya's CRO. They discuss the latest trends in DevOps, including the use of Chat GPT, generative AI, and the importance of data control in AI. They also focus on Kubiya.ai, a company that aims to simplify complex DevOps processes by using simple conversations.

June 23, 2023

Kubiya Launches First Generative AI for Platform Engineering

Kubiya Inc., a startup that bills itself as “ChatGPT for DevOps,” today announced the official launch of what it says is the first artificial intelligence assistant for engineering platforms and knowledge management.

June 23, 2023

Kubiya Founders talking to TheCube at KubeCon North America

Savannah Peterson & John Furier The Cube at KubeCon The Cube interviewing Shaked Askayo and Amit Govrin, Kubiya's founders on what inspired them to build Kubiya and what's the future of AI and DevOps

June 23, 2023

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